

วันจันทร์ที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

4.9 Carbon Cycle

• Atmosphere  Photosynthesis (reduces carbon in the atmosphere)
• Photosynthesis Producer  Primary consumerSecondary consumer
• Respiration  Produces carbon dioxide (adds carbon to the atmosphere)
• Decomposition  Death  Break down of molecule  Releases carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere
• Combustion  fossil fuels burnt  releases Carbon dioxide (industrial and vehicles etc.)
(or natural combustion)

วันอังคารที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

4.14 Enhanced Greenhouse effect

  • As the green house gases increases it means that more infra-red light will be trapped therefore more global heating 
  • Consequences: 
  • Polar ice caps melt causing increase in sea level and change in global water currents 
  • Average global temperature effects the habitat of animals, biomes will change and move 
  • Ice caps will disappear, deserts will grow. forest will dry up 

4.13 Greenhouse gases

  • Human activities cause an increase in green house gases 
  • This is because we burn fossil fuels and this causes more green house gases to be released 
  • Things such as: Cars, Factories, Homes, Farming (paddy fields and cow farts produce Methane), refrigerating and aerosol cans (produce CFC's)

4.12 Greenhouse Effect

  • Uv light is short wavelength with high energy
  • When it comes into the atmosphere it gets reflected of the earth's surface back into space as infra-red light 
  • Green house gases such as water vapour, methane, carbon dioxide etc trap the infra-red rays 
  • Once the heat is trapped the overall global temperature increases 

วันจันทร์ที่ 13 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

4.11 Gas pollution

When fuels are burnt toxic gases are produced
Sulphur dioxide:

  • Is caused by the burning of coal and oil from factories 
  • Sulphuric acid forms acid rain (changes the ph of the water)
  • Causes plants leaves to burn and roots to be leached of minerals resulting in no growth 
  • Causes lakes to become acidic and reduces oxygen levels suffocating fish
Carbon Monoxide:

  • Caused by burning of fossil fuels and coal with insufficient oxygen 
  • Is very to toxic to living things especially humans 
  • Bonds with the Hemoglobin in the red blood stream and causes oxygen depletion in the blood stream

4.7 Energy Efficient

  • Only 10% of Energy moves on from one animal to the next 
  • The secondary consumer only gets 1% of the original energy 
  • Consumers do not get 100% of the energy because energy is used up in respiration and excretion

4.6 Understand the transfer of substances and of energy along a food chain.

  • Producers change the energy from the sun into chemical stored energy that they can use for respiration 
  • Chemical energy are lipids, carbohydrates and proteins 
  • The producer breaks the bonds in the molecules which contain energy 
  • When something eats the producer the enrgy is passed on