

วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554


4.1 Ecosystem
• Describe the community of organism
• Community of organism: Population of different species, no. of individuals in a particular species, Organism reproduction
• Describe the habitat
Habitat: a biotic factors in that area e.g. Temperature, rainfall, daylight non-biological things)
• Eco-system is a community of organisms that interact with one another in a habitat

4.2 Quadrates
• Quadrates are used to estimate the population size of an organism
• Count the number of individuals in the population
• Quadrate = Square grid used to sample an area in the ecosystem
• Count the number of individuals in the quadrate and repeat a number of times
• Used to find an estimate of population size

4.3 Quadrate sampling
• Quadrate Sampling must be a large sample and random
• Grid system
• Generate random numbers (from online/tables)
• Take sample and count number of individuals(e.g. daisy)
• The bigger the quadrate the better
• About 10 quadrates which is 10% of the actual area
• Make a table with the quadrate number and the number of individuals
• Add up total number of individual organisms then divide by the number of quadrates
• Gives up the number of organisms per m2

